Saturday, February 14, 2015


February 14th 2015

Hi! Happy valentine's day everybody! 
Today as everyone knows it's valentine's day and since i don't have a boyfriend I still tried to organize something with friends. 
My friend stayed over tonight and I invite another friend to watch a love movie eating unhealthy food. 
When I was whatching movies I saw couples with real relationship and I realized that I can't imagine me like that. I don't see that kind of future for me, also when I see my family here, a beautiful family compose by mom, dad and 4 kids, it's the classic perfect family and I like it a lot, but I don't think that my future will look like this. 
I imagine myself in 5-10 years probably single, studying for the university and without expectations for having a boyfriend and then think at the marriage. 
I don't believe in marriage, probably because my parents devoted when I was 5 and my mom was single since that moment, so I can't see me living  with a only person for the rest of my life. I think that it's weird right now. 
I'm too young now to think about it, maybe one day I will find the right person and I will realize, only looking in his eyes, that I can't live without him and all the romantic and dramatic things we watch in movies.
I don't even know how can someone bear me for so long. 

I just thought about this quote from the Tv show "Scandal", I think it will resume what I mean to say:

Olivia: You love her, she loves you. Normal people get married.
Stephen: You won't even date.
Olivia: I'm not normal.

Good night and good morning! 

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