Monday, January 19, 2015


January 19th 2015 

Hi! Sometimes I check instagram and I look at tattoos picture. Then I look at pictures or videos of people where they decide to remove the tattoos off, but you can still see it. 
I'm saying that because I would like to do some tattoos on my body.  
I have a tattoo, I did it for my 16th birthday with my mom permission. 
The tattoo that I have it's a simple anchor on my left ribs. 
I've been thinking about if I would do more then one and I planned some which would cover all my left arm, but then I thought if I'll like it when I'll get older. 
When I was young my mom always told me that I shouldn't write permanent things in my room, because by the time I'll don't like it anymore. 
So I never decorate my room, but I decided to decorate my body with something that It'll stay forever. 
I did it because I was sure and conscious of what I was doing. 
Another reason why I'm not sure  if I'll do more tattoos is the fear of the future: find a job and the first impression; but I decide that it should be a problem, because it's freedom of expression and nobody should judge me for this decision. 
The anchor for me has a meaning, I didn't do it just because, but before write the meaning I have to say: it sad. 
I say that It sad because people told me that but I think it's a positive meaning because I used to be like this and the tattoo is like a finished chapter of my life, it's the end of that feeling, in the other one there is a strong girl ready to discover who she is and be hero of herself, this is what I'm now. 
I'm ready for write the meaning and I hope you like it:
"I should wake up soon or later and realize that I am an ⚓. 
People use me to stick to the ground, to find stability. Then, when they don't need me anymore, they leave me aside and thrown back into the water but I'm always there, waiting for someone who needs my help."

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