Tuesday, January 20, 2015


January 20th 2015 

Hi! Today I went to school for a few hours because I had the last exam of the first semester so tomorrow I will start the second one. 
This means that I will change some classes like government and painting instead of cardio and creating cooking. 
Since the beginning of the year I went through different changing:
- I'm writing a blog almost every day 
- I'm concentrating more on myself that on others (this for me was absolutely impossible and I thought it was selfish, I discovered that it's not). 
- I'm trying a new diet, the vegetarian diet (it's been only less then a week but I'm positive. The definition of diet is not that I'm trying to lose weight but to eat in a different way). 
- I have a new philosophy: "your freedom ends when my freedom start" ( it's a phrase that I said the new year night and that same night I decided to do a tattoo about it, but before get it I will wait at least a year). In my case I apply this phrase defining where someone shouldn't pass a certain limit with me, so it makes me free. Before, I was afraid that defining this limit, people would stay away from me instead of trying to understand me; but now I more like: if you really want to be around me you will understand me, if you're not OK with it, you are free to go. 
- I'm always me.

These are the things that are changing in this period, in these 20 days, I'm starting to like changes. 
What I wrote today it's not easy to understand because there is a long story behind it, I will explain it another day. 

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