Sunday, January 25, 2015


January 24th 2015 

Hi! This afternoon I went to a friend house, she's another Italian exchange student, and there was also a girl from Switzerland. 
We ate pizza for dinner and I drunk too much coffee, this is why I'm still awake at 3-4 in the morning. 
We watched the movie "she's the man" and I liked it. 
We talked about a lot of things like politics, the difference between Italian judicial system and American judicial system, the difference between Italian school system and American school system; we took a lot of videos with dubsmash and we decided to take makeup lessons. 
I remember last year at school, we opened a discussion where we were divided in two groups: one group argued that for a better future we should go away from Italy and the other argued that we should stay. 
I was in the first group because I thought that there are more chances and more hopes  outside of Italy, so this is one of the reason because of I'm here.  I still think that that's true but being here shows me Italy in a different way. 
Everyone here loves Italy, they dream to go there at least ones, they say that it's beautiful. They are right, we have such a beautiful history and past, beautiful monuments and architecture, good ideas and knowledge, and we should be proud for this.  
We should stay for improve our situation, and see the possibility where there is fear. 
I changed opinion, we change every time, because we are alive. 

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