Friday, May 1, 2015


May 1st 2015

Hi! Here I am once again! It's a long time that I don't write something here and I feel really bad for this, every night I try but I'm really tired and I fall asleep. Tonight I'm sleeping in a friend house, we started to get ready for the prom that is going to be tomorrow afternoon. 
I want to talk about something in particular tonight, something that it's been stuck in my head since my birthday. The day of my birthday, less then a week ago, we had an assembly at school about abuse in relationships. It was shocking because I never knew how many things are considered abuse. 
There was a lot of statistics about abuse and the two I remember the most are: 
-One on three hight school's students have been abuse 
-93% of the victims see his abuser usually during his everyday life, this means that his part of the family or a friend, someone you trust. 
After that assembly I changed mood and I start to think a lot about it. 
I like the fact that in the USA people have to go to schools and talk about this,  for information. 
Where I'm from nobody told me this and now I understand a lot more. 
I would like, probably next year, to do the same in some schools in Italy, because I believe that students should know more about this subject, it really made me understand the definition of private space and what it means to love youself and be  confident of yourself. The guys who was telling us about abuse said:" if you are not confident of youself you're more likely to be controlled from someone else". 
I will never let someone be owner of something that doesn't belong to them, that's a promess I do to myself because I think I'm enough and I'm brave enough to let you go away even if this means to be alone if you don't respect me. This is what I learned and what I wanted to understand. 

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