Friday, May 1, 2015


April 27th 2015 

Hi! Today is my birthday and I had a really good time. 
Yesterday I had a party in my house with some friends. it wasn't only my birthday party, I had the party with a friend from school because she has the birthday two days after mine. 
It was fun, I believe, we danced, we played some games, we ate a lot of food and we played in the trampoline. 
The party was good but I was really tired because my friend and I spent  the weekend going grocery shopping and cooking for the party. We start cooking at 7 on Saturday morning and during the evening I had a meet with the exchange program. I stayed over there so I didn't get any sleep, also because the next morning I had to start cooking early and then get ready. If I don't sleep during the weekend I'm tired all the following week so I can't do anything, like homework, think and write in this blog. It's really hard don't be able to think and find something to write in a blog at the same time. 

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