Hi! Tonight I wanted to go running for a few minutes and when I was going outside it started raining, it's still raining like crazy out there and it's May!
But I worked out anyways. It's really fun and thinking about jobs I can consider to work in fitness or something like this. I would like to do medicine or criminology; these are my principle ideas.
People asked me before if there is the possibility to go to college here, in America, and at the beginning I said no, but then I thought about it and I said: "if I'll graduate here I can consider it".
Today I called my school, I finished my online class yesterday and the dead line was today, I asked if I was going to graduate and they said that I'm good to go and that they will meet me there, at graduation! I'm so excited about it, I actually made it! So about the college here I'll still thinking about it...
I have another year of high school in Italy and then I'm out...then University.
I'm really, really scared to jump from being a child to an adult. I'm not ready for it. I feel responsible but I don't know if I'm ready for start an independent life: living by myself, doing everything by myself, and growing up so fast that I won't feel the time passing until I'll look at the mirror and see myself changed.
Study, job, family, friends...everything will change but I'll be the same person but older.
Nobody gives you indications telling you what to do with your life, you have to try, fall down and then start over again until you know what your mistake was; but then it will be too late. And you can try to teach somebody the lesson you learned but everybody is different, everybody has their story to live, and everybody has their own way.
I'm just waiting to know mine.
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