Hi! Today was another Monday and like every Monday I went to school. When I took the OGT, month ago,I didn't pass the writing test. I'm not afraid about it because it was only two months that I was here so I think I will pass it this time, so today I went to the English teacher that I had at the begging of the school year and I ask him to help me to prepare for the exam.
He gave me an essay to do about the school education.
I wrote about these three topics:
-the fact that in American High school the only test are multiple choice test, and I said that there are other types of testing.
-the fact that, for my experience, teachers sometimes give presentation or general homework and they don't care if you did a good job, you just have to do it. This doesn't motivate students to spend time studying.
-the fact that you learn how to do, for example, a math exercise without explanation why you are doing what you are doing. It's like build a house without start from the bottom.
Those are the things I thought from the begging about American school, but the good thing I noticed is that here they prepare you for the future and they help you with college and universities.
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