Saturday, January 31, 2015


January 30th 2015

Hi! Tomorrow is Saturday and I will have the dance. I'm happy now because I'm going there and I think that it will be fun going with friends. 
Today, coming back from school, I was tired and lazy, I didn't want to do anything. The family went in the in backyard to play in the snow. 
It was cold and I don't know what was stopping me to go out. 
But then I did it and I had a lot of fun and I made a snow angel too.
I couldn't feel my hands for the cold. 
I'm always like this, something in my head doesn't let me do things, but after a long time, I force myself to do them and I don't have regrets.  
With this experience of exchange student I did the same. I didn't want to do it ( two/three years ago) but than I convinced myself to leave, I made a good choice. 
Now I'm here living a new reality, meeting new people. This is the reason why I'm here. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015


January 29th 2015 

Hi! Today I tried to organize the winter formal. I don't know what's appending to me but I'm not really good at it. I'm not able say no to people so I'm bringing more than one friend to the dance and I wasn't sure about the plan, I didn't want to warried my parents about it, so I didn't talk to them before because I didn't know anything for sure. 
It's a really bad thing to do because if I said everything at the last moment they are more worry and the things doesn't adjust buy themselves. 
Next time I will organize better and talk to my parents before make any plans or say yes to someone. 
I'm really bad at it because I don't want that anybody feels excluded because of me so I can't say "no" to you if I said yes to someone else,I can't really say no to anyone. 
I'm learning how to say "no"it and it will take me a long time, but I'm positive! 
A "no" that you say to someone is one more "yes" that you say to yourself! 
I still don't have plans for the winter formal so tomorrow i will see better and fix this disaster. 
Good night :) 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


January 27/28th 2015 

Hi! Today when I was at school I remembered that I didn't write a post for the 27th so I'm writing it now for both days. 
Yesterday was my mom's birthday. 
People get confused every time that I say my mom. In this case is my American mom. 
I get confused too!! For example yesterday I said to my American mom: "mom, my mom said happy birthday to you " and at the begging  she was confused. 
Yesterday we had dinner in a restorant with part of the family and it was fun. 
Today I went to the mall with a friend, she's an exchange student too and we were looking for something to wear for the winter formal. 
The dance is this weekend and I didn't even organize something. 
I'm not so excited for the dance because my classmates said that it's less fun that the home coming, but it will be better with friends. 
This week I always went to bed late at night because of homework and sometimes it's so tired that I can't pack my lunch or take a shower ( so gross ahahahah). 
Tonight I took it even If it's 1:00am and I was sleeping in the shower. 
Changing subject, I remember last weekend I said that I would talk with the counselor about clubs and other things but I didn't, I tried but when I went there he was always away for a meeting; I'll try tomorrow again. 
Before I close this Post, I want to say that today's been two weeks since I started my vegeterian diet, I'm proud of myself. 
It's time to sleep, good night!

Monday, January 26, 2015


January 26th 2015 

Hi! Today is Monday and the week it's just started and I already need a break. I wake up every the morning and I feel like a zombie, and my face looks just like that. 
I should go to bed earlier, I promise it to myself every morning, but I can't do it. It's like when you have to take a shower and you don't want to go in but when you are there you don't want to get out. 
However, since I'm writing every day, sometimes I don't have nothing to say and sometimes I have something. 
I never wrote about "poop", yes "poop". 
People know me as the person who talks about "poop" the most. Sometimes my friends text me saying that he/she has heard the world  "poop" and immediately he/she had thought about me, thank you. 
With a friend from school, we call each other "poop" and with my best friend here we made a bracialet with: "she's my poop" and I have "he's my poop". 
I'm the person who can talk about poop I'm every situation: during lunch and dinner, in class, or scream the world on public, or I usually send poop emoji randomly. 
I don't think that I'm weird or that this is weird, everybody talks about "poop" and send "poop" emoji so it's normal to be weird. 


January 25th 2015 

Today is actually the 26th because yesterday I studied until 11pm, I have to consider that the night before I didn't have enough sleep, so I was really really really tired. 
Yesterday morning (the 25th), since I slept I'm my friend house, she woke me up saying that the pancakes were ready. We ate pancakes, sat on the couch and we organize the afternoon. 
The organization was a complete disaster but at the end we made it, we went bowling with other two friends. 
We were five: four exchange student and a friend from school. 
I like this group of exchange students. 
We had fun and at the end I won! 
During breakfast yesterday (the 25th) looking the picture on my phone I realized that I like my like in Italy, where I could go everywhere and I would like to do the same here. I will probably come back to go around and I will come back to visit my family. 
I only have 4 more months here and the time will pass so fast that I won't feel it. 
This is an experience that I suggest to everyone because you have to see the world and different reality. 
This experience helped me to know and understand other truths different from mine. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015


January 24th 2015 

Hi! This afternoon I went to a friend house, she's another Italian exchange student, and there was also a girl from Switzerland. 
We ate pizza for dinner and I drunk too much coffee, this is why I'm still awake at 3-4 in the morning. 
We watched the movie "she's the man" and I liked it. 
We talked about a lot of things like politics, the difference between Italian judicial system and American judicial system, the difference between Italian school system and American school system; we took a lot of videos with dubsmash and we decided to take makeup lessons. 
I remember last year at school, we opened a discussion where we were divided in two groups: one group argued that for a better future we should go away from Italy and the other argued that we should stay. 
I was in the first group because I thought that there are more chances and more hopes  outside of Italy, so this is one of the reason because of I'm here.  I still think that that's true but being here shows me Italy in a different way. 
Everyone here loves Italy, they dream to go there at least ones, they say that it's beautiful. They are right, we have such a beautiful history and past, beautiful monuments and architecture, good ideas and knowledge, and we should be proud for this.  
We should stay for improve our situation, and see the possibility where there is fear. 
I changed opinion, we change every time, because we are alive. 

Saturday, January 24, 2015


January 23rd 2015

Hi! Today was a happy/ sad day. 
I mean was a fun day but I cried like a never did before. 
This morning at school we had an assembly in the gym and there was this a guy, a senior from another high school, he's 18 years old, and he was standing in the middle of the gym telling us a story about drugs. 
The story was about his brother, two years older than him,  one day on February of four years ago, he took one poll of methadone. This action cost his life and changes forever his family. 
When he was there, standing in front of me, talking about a so private experience and almost crying, I was almost crying too. 
I really respect what he does. 
Then students asked questions (I'm not going to write every questions and  answer, but I remember this questions) this one question is impressed  in my mind: 
"what did your brother wantto be ones he grows up?"
The guy anwered: "the last thing he told me that he wanted to be was a pharmacist". 
I don't have so much time to decide what to do then, I don't want to take wrong decisions about my life because it's too short and beautiful that I don't want to do something wrong. 
Then, in my government class we had a "game" about: if you and your class get lost in a little island in Australia what kind of government or rules would do make?". 
I talk a lot during that class today, I always like to share my opinion.
I didn't cry in that class!! 
The evening/night I went to the movies with a friend from school, she's really nice. 
We went to see Selma, the movie about the right of vote for "nigros" (this is from the movie and I'm not using this world offensively). 
That movie was awesome, but i couldn't stop crying even for a second. It was too much, I couldn't watch it, but I really loved it. 
That she said: "let's go and see another movie", so we went to watch "boy next door". 
Ok, let me say it, that movie was creepy, ones I screwed, but I'm not going to say why, you have to watch it! 
So today I cried like a baby, but was still a good day! 
I'm really positive about this weekend! 
And I think that starting positive a day will change something, probably, but I will exsperiment it! 


Friday, January 23, 2015


January 22nd 2015

Hi! Today was a good day, I went to school and after school I meet some friends in a coffee shop. 
After that I made skype with a friend and we stay a long time on it. We talked about what we'll do ones I'll be back in Italy, we talked about food, I was working out for 20 minutes and he said that I looked like a bird of a cuckoo clock:'d I couldn't stop laughing. And we send each other funny video with the app dubsmash. 

I fall asleep while I was typing, however, yesterday was a good day and I hope today'll be too. 
Today I will probably go to the counselor to ask information about all the club here that I can join. 
This could be enother way to make friends :) 
I'm on the bus now in my way to school and I can't wait to drink my morning coffee! 
Hope you have a good day too :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


January 21st 2015

Hi! Today at school I had some different classmates and was fun, It was also a pretty stressful morning, so when I came back home I was super tired. I think it's also because I didn't drink my morning coffee, as I do every morning. 
That's why! 
However, now that I'm thinking about my day in general I would describe it with the worlds: terrible, disappointing and awful. 
Why?!? Because I'm tired to hear promises that people continues not to keep. 
And I want to be positive also in this moment, I don't need anybody to be happy. 

I read this phrase ones and I think that is perfect for me: 
I used to walk into a room full of people and wonder if they liked I look around and wonder If I like them. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


January 20th 2015 

Hi! Today I went to school for a few hours because I had the last exam of the first semester so tomorrow I will start the second one. 
This means that I will change some classes like government and painting instead of cardio and creating cooking. 
Since the beginning of the year I went through different changing:
- I'm writing a blog almost every day 
- I'm concentrating more on myself that on others (this for me was absolutely impossible and I thought it was selfish, I discovered that it's not). 
- I'm trying a new diet, the vegetarian diet (it's been only less then a week but I'm positive. The definition of diet is not that I'm trying to lose weight but to eat in a different way). 
- I have a new philosophy: "your freedom ends when my freedom start" ( it's a phrase that I said the new year night and that same night I decided to do a tattoo about it, but before get it I will wait at least a year). In my case I apply this phrase defining where someone shouldn't pass a certain limit with me, so it makes me free. Before, I was afraid that defining this limit, people would stay away from me instead of trying to understand me; but now I more like: if you really want to be around me you will understand me, if you're not OK with it, you are free to go. 
- I'm always me.

These are the things that are changing in this period, in these 20 days, I'm starting to like changes. 
What I wrote today it's not easy to understand because there is a long story behind it, I will explain it another day. 

Monday, January 19, 2015


January 19th 2015 

Hi! Sometimes I check instagram and I look at tattoos picture. Then I look at pictures or videos of people where they decide to remove the tattoos off, but you can still see it. 
I'm saying that because I would like to do some tattoos on my body.  
I have a tattoo, I did it for my 16th birthday with my mom permission. 
The tattoo that I have it's a simple anchor on my left ribs. 
I've been thinking about if I would do more then one and I planned some which would cover all my left arm, but then I thought if I'll like it when I'll get older. 
When I was young my mom always told me that I shouldn't write permanent things in my room, because by the time I'll don't like it anymore. 
So I never decorate my room, but I decided to decorate my body with something that It'll stay forever. 
I did it because I was sure and conscious of what I was doing. 
Another reason why I'm not sure  if I'll do more tattoos is the fear of the future: find a job and the first impression; but I decide that it should be a problem, because it's freedom of expression and nobody should judge me for this decision. 
The anchor for me has a meaning, I didn't do it just because, but before write the meaning I have to say: it sad. 
I say that It sad because people told me that but I think it's a positive meaning because I used to be like this and the tattoo is like a finished chapter of my life, it's the end of that feeling, in the other one there is a strong girl ready to discover who she is and be hero of herself, this is what I'm now. 
I'm ready for write the meaning and I hope you like it:
"I should wake up soon or later and realize that I am an ⚓. 
People use me to stick to the ground, to find stability. Then, when they don't need me anymore, they leave me aside and thrown back into the water but I'm always there, waiting for someone who needs my help."

Sunday, January 18, 2015


January 18th 2015

Hi! Today it's been a good day, I went with my family to Frozen on ice in Cleveland. The show was really good and I had fun. I came home with a little Micky Mouse witch is now lying in my bed. 
Back home I saw some videos on YouTube and now I'm watching Oprah channel, like almost every night. 
Sometimes we saw people who success in what they want, that realize their dreams, and we sit and complain about why we are not so lucky. 
It's time to open our eyes, nobody gets what he wants effortlessly, without working hard. 
So if you want something from your life, stop complaining, stand up from your comfortable couch and go to get what you want
It won't be easy, but you can do it because you're enother strong to go through it. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015


January 17th 2015

Hi! Today was a normal day. I went to target and giant eagle with my friend, I bought snacks for school and other stuff that I needed. 
Then he asked me to go with him to the movies but I had other plan with a friend from school, but I didn't know if it was sure. 
I'm never sure when I make plan with friends from school. 
One time a girlfriend from school had to pick me up from home at 3:00 on Saturday but I waited for her all day, she didn't come, then I text her if she wanted to hang out on Sunday, she didn't answer. 
Another time I met a friend from school at the movies when I was with my family, it was during the Christmas break, she said that we should go to the movies together one day, I answered that was a good idea and to text me for organize it. 
She didn't text me. 
And now, tonight, I had to hang out with this friend from school and I'm home now whatching the Oprah channel, I should be at the movies with this other friend. 
I don't want to seem pessimistic so at the other hand I have a beautiful family, and a really good friend. 
I couldn't ask more, and in happy with what I have. 

Friday, January 16, 2015


January 16th 2015

Hi! Today I slept until 2:17 pm. 
I dreamed that I was back home, with my mom and my sister in the car. We were going to see an elegant dress for me ( I think that is because I will have the winter formal at the end of this month).  I saw my watch and it was 2:16 pm but it was dark outside, so my mom said that it was 7:16 pm. 
It was too late to look for a dress so we was looking for a place to eat. We decided to go to subway (that there is not in Italy) but then I remembered that there was a little restorant that make good piadina. 
Then I thought about all the Italian good that I miss and then I woke up. 
Tomorrow it'll be 5 months that in here and 4 months left so I promess to myself to spend every moment in the best way. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015


January 15th 2015

Hi! This days I've just been lazy for the exams I think, or it's only an excuse.
I've been eating chocolate and lying in the bed for days. 
I don't know why but I think that period is coming. 
I'm not talking about my period!
At the beginning of this experience, I think during the first week, I had a meeting with the other exchange student in the area. During the meeting the coordinator told us that during this 10 month we will have three different periods:
1° the period when for us it's all new and beautiful, when we think that here is better that home...
2° the period when it's being all the same and we get bored, when we rather be at home (in my case in Italy)..,
3° the period when we understand that it's not better here and it'd not better on our country, buy it's just different. And when we are really enjoying to be where we are (in this case, here in the USA) it's time to leave. 
They told us thus and I didn't think it would be my case, but I think to be In the second period.
I'm not so depressed! 
It's that I'm hopeless that the things will change, and I'm OK with this. I shouldn't  wait that the things to change, I have to change me. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


January 14th 2015 

Hi! Today I took the exams and tomorrow I will have two more. 
Continuing the speech of yesterday about the color of the skin, I never  see difference until now. 
I remember when I was younger, I couldn't see the  difference between me and my classmates, only when I looked at my hands I could see it. 
I don't used to have contact with my dad's family and since my dad left I only live with my mom's part of the family; so before I came here I never thought that I'm half African, I never realized it. 
I met a girl in my school here and she was my friend ever in the USA and she asked me one day: "do you have black friends in Italy?"
I hesitated and then I answered: "no I don't" and I looked on my phone and I showed her pictures of my friends and me. That one was the first time that I realized it. And I think to be the only "black" friend that my closer friends have. 
Then some of my "black" friends at school, when they play songs on their phone, they ask me if I know some of them, I usually answer that I don't know then and they say: " you are black and you don't know this song and this singer". 
I don't think that matter the color of your skin with who you are. 
Here I can feel the difference, but I think and I know that is because of the past. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


January 13th 2015 

Hi! I passed all day in my room studying for exams. I'm not scared or I'm starting to be scared a little bit. 
At school I felt more the difference between the color of the skin. 
I'm a mixture between black and white since my dad is black and my mom white. 
I would like to open a parenthesis, here you can not say that someone is black, is offensive, for what I know.
So, I noticed that in college information, when you have to fill a paper you have to answer to the question: "in which category do you belong?"
-African American, black 
- white 
-Hispanic, Latino 
-American Indian 
I never so something like this and I never asked me this question before. 
The first time I hesitated and I asked my classmates what to answer, they said to check black. 
I said that I'm not black, they said yes you are, you are black. 
I'm not black and I'm not white, I'm both. 
I tried to explain it to my classmates here and I don't think that they understood. 
It's late now I'll finish it next time :) 

Monday, January 12, 2015


January 12th 2015

Hi! I received the questions: what I usually do in Italy and what's my typical day. 
My typical week during the winter in Italy is: 
- wake up at 7:30 am 
-get ready for school 
-school start at 8:30 am
-school finish at 1:30 pm
-take the bus to come back home 
-have lunch and watch TV
-start to study at 3:00 pm until I finished 
-dinner at 9:00 pm 
- tv and bed time. 

This routine is the same, except Saturday afternoon,when I hang out with my friends, and Sunday, when I sleep in the morning and study in the afternoon. 

During the summer is another story. 

My typical week here is: 
-wake up at 6:00 am
-take the bus at 6:50 am 
-school start at 7:40 am
-school finish at 2.34 pm
-take the bus and arrive at home at 3:00 pm 
- rest  and if I have to do homework I do them
- have dinner at 5-5:30 pm 
-pack the lunch for the next day 
- watch TV and try to go to bed early 

During the weekend I usually hang out with a friend or  I stay with my family. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015


January 11th 2015

Hi! Last night I spent the night in a friend house and this morning we went sliding and It was fun! 
Back home I did same chores and I made skype with a friend. 
We talk a really long time about everything; he told me about what's going in the city where I'm from and we talked about the past, when we all were together. 
I told him a lot of stories that he didn't know about me and this one was one of them:
One day at school the teacher asked the class to describe happiness in three words. One of them for me was ignorance. 
Everybody started to attack me because they said that I was wrong but I couldn't be more right. 
Ignorance meaning is closer to "being uninformed", it doesn't mean stupidity. 
I relate happiness with ignorance thinking about that there will be always something in the world that can make you feel sad, sometimes it's better if you don't know it, so you live in a condition of ignorance which let you feel happy. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015


January 10th  2015 

Hi! I'm very tired tonight and a little bit homesick. 
People always ask me if I'm missing my family and my home and what's the thing that I miss the most. 
I always answered: no I'm not homesick and the  thing I miss the most is the food!! 
I miss Italian food so bad! 
But I miss stayed with my family and my friends, I miss my routine. 
Have you ever been in that situation when you don't like what you have but after you change it you miss your routine? You will always want what you can't have. 
 I know that when I'll be back I will miss staying here but I'll still be able to change situations. 
This is what I like about the life: you're able to be who you want, wherever you want.  

Friday, January 9, 2015


January 9th 2015

Hi! I don't know everything and I'll never do! I'm learning, I've been doing it since I was born and I'll never finish. 
I don't like when people don't understand it, so they start to say mean things to you just because you don't know something, this doesn't make that you're stupid! 
We can improve with time and with practice. 
 Now my underwear is: I'm still learning. 
I'm here when other people could be too scared to do what I'm doing. 
I don't cry if you tell me something mean, I continue on my way to prove you that you were  wrong. 
I always act in this way, when I was young my teacher told me that I was stupid and that I didn't want to do anything because I was half-hearted, she said, but I spent hours after school studying to improve myself. 
Then I discovered that I was dyslexic, I wasn't stupid, it was only harder for me. 
I really passed difficult period for that but I made it. 
I never had help at school, I have good grades but it still hard because I spend more hours a day studying  respect of my classmates. 
So every time that I ear something mean I go back to those days, where I really thought that I was different and less intelligent than others, because someone made me feel in that way. 
When someone makes you feel in like this and he convinces you that you are not enough, it's hurt inside, it turns  your stomach and if you are not strong enough you can live your life thinking that you can't do anything. 
I feel sorry for these people who to feel superior have to pull you down. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015


RJanuary 8th 2015 

Hi!  Today I spent the day in the basement sewing, I finished a bag and made a wallet. It was my first time that I made one but it turned good. I would like to sew clothes, I think that I will try soon. 
I love to cook, during the summer I used to do it for my mom and my sister and they really like everything but during the winter I never have time because I'm always studying. I used to cook for my friends too sometimes; we stay in my house, usually during Saturday night, watching a movie, laying on the couch, eating the food that I cooked. Those are the best nights! 
I miss those days, but I'm sure that when I'll be back there will be nights like those. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


January 7th 2015 

Hi! Today was really cold and it was snowing a lot, so fortunately the school tomorrow is close! 
I'll have time to sleep tomorrow morning! 
I was thinking today about my first "boyfriend". 
It was a summer between my third and fourth grade, there was this guy on the beach that liked me, we were friend until he told me that he liked me, then we start to be "girlfriend and boyfriend". You know when two innocent kids play together and it's just this but what It's changed it's how you define the other person. 
The following summer I saw him again. 
I spent the winter thinking about him and doing an embroidery for him, because that was one thing I was good at. 
I never gave it to him because, when I saw him, he was with enother girl,so I cut the embroidery with the scissors and throw it away. 
After that summer I didn't talk to him for years. 
Now that I think about it, it seem so stupid but I'm not in a 9 years old girl's mind. 
I think that we have a process where we act at the same way with everyone depending on what we feel. 
The child that you was will never go away. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


January 6th 2015

Hi! You know when you start the new year  and every time you say: "for the new here I will..." and then, like every year, you never do what you had promess. 
I used to do it but I stopped because I got lazy. 
But this time I hope that'll be different. 
I'm writing almost every day for a year, a post a day. 
I never finish what I start, I give up everything but the point is that I try different things every time. 
We think that for the new year something will change but actually we are the same, we can grow up and get older but we'll act always the same way. 
We're waiting for the miracle of a night to change something but with motivation and time you can change everything. 

Monday, January 5, 2015


January 5th 2015

Hi! After the breaks I get tired so today, even with three alarms on my phone, I couldn't wake me up until my dad nocked at the door. 
Today was a completely lazy day, when I couldn't even finished my homework and do some exercise (it's been more that a week that I don't do it).
But now, why we do exercise? 
Girls never like their body: "this is too big, this is too small, I would like to be more like this..." and they continue to  look at other girls bodies and think about how they are beautiful.
I say girls and they but I'm one of them. I look at my body doing a weird face and pointing part that I don't like, so i workout to be better.
Staying here I found a big different about it, here I feel more confident about myself because I don't feel that people judge me about how I look all the time; and it's a beautiful part of living here.
Talking with other exchange students, we all think the same and we talk also about what people here can wear that if you wear it in another country (like Italy) people think you're weird: socks of different color and different design, different shoes (like tennis shoes and sandals at the same time), pigiama also at school...
All things that I think are cool because you are free be yourself so everybody can feel free to be the same around you. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015


January 4th 2015

Today's been a long day, tomorrow the school starts again so today I finished my homework and I finished to get me ready for school.
We spend our whole life counting on people, waiting for them, and at the end we finish full of disappointments.
But then I learned, I start to understand what to expect or not for each of the people around me.
Here, in another place, I'm starting all the process from the beginning.
I don't expect nothing but inside me there is a little light of hope, hope that I'm wrong, hope that people really care.
I know that I'm always dramatic, it's not that but, I write about sad things, this is what I always do without post it anywhere.
I had a copybook in my room where every time I felt sad I wrote on it, hours and hours writing on a copybook in the middle of the night.
I like to write but in English is another story, I'm trying but It's really challenging for me even if I've been here for four months in America and I'm sorry for all the mistake that I've dove or I will do.

Saturday, January 3, 2015


January 3rd 2015

Hi! Today was a rainy day so I couldn't go ice skating, that was my plan for today. Instead I went to the mall and later to the theater. 
During the time that I've been here I had a big deal about attend the collage here in the USA.
I looked for options but they are really expensive and I looked in Internet about the validation of the American degree in Italy and it's difficult or impossible to work in Italy with an American degree. I also checked about witch one was the most valid and I made my decision: I will attend an Italian' University. 
Now what I will stady is another story. 
In my future there are a lot of things that I wuold like to do and only one life to live. 
I'm like those kids you ask what they want to do ones they are adults and they start to say a lot of impossible jobs, but someone have to do these jobs, right? 
I don't know if I have to follow the safe job or risk with what my passion is. 

Friday, January 2, 2015


January 2nd 2015

Hi! Today is the second day of the year and I went to my friend house. I know that in the last post I said that I don't have friends and a social life here, but this friend is an exchange student just like me, so we became so friends because we had the same situation. 
However, I've been thinking about the different situation that we have in the different period of our  life and about this phrase: "you were given this life because you are strong enough to live it"; what it means for you?
During my life I had hard moment and I've been strong going true each one of them; I fell several times but I'm still here doing things that scare me and every time I think: "if i can do this, I can do everything."
It's just like this experience: when first my mom talk me about it my first answer was NO!
 I didn't even want to think about it, it was to scary for me, only thinking about leave everything was terrifying. So why am I here?  I'm here because even if it's something different it doesn't mean that it'll be a bad experience and I wanted to learn more, because learn English it'll help for a better future. 
Now that I'm here and I'm glad that I made this decision.
One of my answers, when someone asked me why I wanted to go to the USA for a year, was: "I want to find my place, wherever it is, and how can I know it staying in the same place for the rest of my life? So I want to go around the world and this is my first big step"

Thursday, January 1, 2015


January 1st 2015
In this profile I want to tell my experience as an italian exchange student who's living a year of her life in America. I've been here for more than four month and I wait too long before start to write because I was waiting that my situation here got better...but  it's not.I'm saying that because being an exchange student is not easy: you're leaving your family, your friends, your routine, your life to go somewhere where you don't know what  you're going to find. So when I came here I found people who don't really care about you and even if you try and try again is not easy to have a social life.It's sad and I never thought to say something like this in my life but it's the truth, this is my life now. I'm not saying that every experience is the same because if it's true I wouldn't be here but I wanted to let you know that if your situation is like mine, you're not alone and I hope that it'll get better.Hi! I'm writing my first post on the fist day of the year but it was a long time that I wanted to do it.